Multiple Bible Translations
ISBN 0-310-90333-5
In Christ’s Image Training – Christlikeness by Francis Frangipane
ISBN 1886296243
Author synopsis:
We were created for one purpose: to become Christlike. Once we truly begin to manifest the maturity, power, and attitudes of Jesus Christ, all things come into perspective and all relationships begin to expand toward heavenly proportions. Christ did not die on the cross to simply “save” us in a theological sense; He saves and forgives us that He might transform us.
In this first manual of In Christ’s Image Training, the Holy Spirit sets before us the eternal goal of our salvation: conformity to Jesus Christ.
In Christ’s Image Training – Humility by Francis Frangipane
ISBN 1886296251
Author synopsis: When Jesus said, “Learn of Me,” the specific attitude He emphasized was His humility. Indeed, among all those in heaven, the Son of God declared that the humble were “greatest” (Matt 18:1-4). God measures spiritual greatness not by the height of our accomplishments, but by the depth of our humility.
In this second manual of In Christ’s Image Training, we will study the characteristics of meekness and why it attracts the attention of God. We will discover that meekness is the substructure and sustainer of transformation. We will better understand why the Almighty said,
“To this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word” (Isaiah 66:2).
In Christ’s Image Training – Prayer by Francis Frangipane
ISBN 188629626-X
Author’s synopsis: The Lord Jesus said His house would be called a “house of prayer for all the nations.” Thus, He revealed that prayer would be an indispensable component in the release of mercy to the world. The early disciples were devoted to the word of God and prayer.
Like Jesus Himself, they drew their spiritual power from God, which they found in the place of prayer. They were not judgmental, they were “prayer-mental.”
In this third manual of In Christ’s Image Training, we will seek to appropriate various aspects of the gift of prayer as seen in our passion for God, in praying for our families, and in intercession for our cities and nations. We will expose the accuser of the brethren and seek to attain the highest level of prayer, where Christ Himself, in the midst of our woundedness, intercedes through us to the Father.
In Christ’s Image Training – Unity by Francis Frangipane
ISBN 1886296278
Author’s synopsis: Before God’s Spirit moves in world-changing power upon the earth, He first unifies His people. The Bible reveals that every significant move of God was preceded by a unifying work of grace. This truth is seen in the unity of the Israelites before they conquered the cities of Canaan. It was manifest again in the union of David with his men before David became king. Indeed, the book of Acts begins with Jesus’ disciples praying together “with one mind” (Acts 1:14). The profound truth of God is that Pentecost did not produce unity among the disciples, their unity was the precursor to Pentecost.
Our previous three manuals focused our attention on Christlikeness, humility and prayer. Each of these truths represent foundational realities upon which true spiritual unity is built. In this manual we will see why God hates our divisions and why the unifying of His disciples was the passion of Jesus’ final prayers.
Abide in Christ
The joy of being in God’s presence by Andrew Murray
ISBN 0-88368-860-3
Publisher’s synopsis: So many Christians, instead of accepting God’s invitation to enter His throne room, stand alone outside the door, uncertain and ashamed. Christ beckons them to His banqueting table and offers them a room in His house, but they foolishly give up the glory of the life He has offered. They come to Jesus as Redeemer but never go beyond the doorway to abide in Him and experience the unspeakable joy of dwelling with the King of Kings.
Andrew Murray knew what it meant to be continually in the Father’s presence. Read these thirty-one heart-searching readings and learn how to live daily in closer communion and fellowship with Him. Accept God’s invitation and live in His blessing and glory instead of shuffling your feet at the gate.
Absolute Surrender
by Andrew Murray
ISBN -13 978-0-7642-2815-5
Publisher synopsis: Do you yearn to delight in the fellowship of Jesus? Experience new freedom in your Christian life? Discover victory over
sin? You can! God readily offers these blessings and more. All you need to do is take one decisive step of absolute surrender to Christ. When you forsake all to follow him, you put the carnal life behind you and begin a new, spiritual life in obedience to the command, “Be filled
with the Spirit.”
Through this popular devotional study, first published over a century ago, many Christians have discovered that victory over the power of sin and unbroken fellowship with Jesus are only a step away. Andrew Murray explains what surrender means and how to take this step, urging readers to yield themselves wholly, completely to God.
The Power in Prayer by Charles Spurgeon
ISBN 0-88368-692-9
Publisher synopsis: Prayer brings big answers. God loves to answer prayer, and scripture teaches that it is a simple thing to see answered prayer in our own lives. Charles Spurgeon’s classic writings tackle the fears and questions that arise as we learn to pray. His time-tested, hard-hitting teachings will clear the way for you to experience true faith and the power of answered prayer.
Spurgeon discusses:
Every believer can and should have a life marked by answered prayer. Charles Spurgeon will lead you to the place where life begins – a place of true communion with God.
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